tisdag 18 december 2012

Om barn och deras lekar!/ children and their games!

Om barn och deras lekar!

Det finns många tecken om ett barn mår dåligt,det finns mycket bra littratur att läsa om det... biblioteket har en del man kan låna om man vill bli lite mer insatt!
Just i dagens samhäle är det svårt o se på ett barns lek om det utsätts för något typ av övergrepp,det är alla våldsamma spel som spelas och alla våldsamma "barnfilmer" som finns.... det mesta går ut på gott och ont.
Men det bör uppmärksammas om barnen har ene mer precis lek i när dom exempel slåss med dockor... och det bör också uppmärksammas på vad dom säger när det låter lite väl konstigt det dom säger.
Man ska inte säga något till barnen som håller på med mystiska lekar som kan verka som om dockorna har sex elles något dyligt,lyssna.. skriv ner... obesevera dom utan att dom märker det,för det är ju så att det är barnen som tror att det är dom som gör fel och det är dom som tar smällen.
Nej som jag skrev.. skriv ner o lyssna memorera... och avviker dras beetende för mycket... ta kontakt med en psykolog och prata med denne om saken och gå vidare därifrån.
Vad du än gör skräm inte barnet till tystnad i dess lek hur jobbigt det än kan vara,och hur hemskt det än kan se ut... om du börjar misstänka att något är väldigt galet så ta kontakt med BUP eller om det verkligen är uppenbart att barnet har blivit utsatt för övergrepp så ta kontakt med polisen.
Detta är det bästa du kan göra i många fall där inte någon blir tagen på bar gärning,då är det ju bara polisen som gäller och att få bort denna person från allt vad barn heter!!!

 children and their games!
There are many signs if a child feels bad, there are very good littratur to read about it ... Library has some you can borrow if you want to become a little more familiar!Just in today samhäle it is difficult o see on a child's play if subjected to any kind of abuse, it is all the violent games played and all violent "children's films" available .... mostly consists of good and evil.But it should be noted if the children have one more game in just when they fight with such dolls ... and it should also be made aware of what they are saying when it sounds a little too strange that they say.One should not say anything to the kids who are doing mysterious games that may seem like puppets having sex elles something dyligt, listen .. write down ... obesevera them without them noticing it, for it is a fact that there are kids who think there are those who do wrong and it is they who take the hit.No, as I wrote .. write o listen to memorize ... and deviates drawn beetende too much ... contact a psychologist and talk to him about it and move on from there.Whatever you do, do not scare the child into silence in the game how hard it may be, and how bad it may look like ... if you begin to suspect that something is very wrong, please contact with BUP or if it really is obvious that the child has been abused so contact the police.This is the best you can do in many cases there is not someone gets caught in the act, then it's just the police force and to remove this person from whatever children named!Then we have our young teenagers .... please listen to them ... Do not think that just you know everything ...!We adults have greater erfarnehet of life in general, but to know how it is today must be the adults out on the street and see with your own eyes ... and learn the language of the street today to protect our young people and help them by understanding them.They're not easy in today society, they are driven to do much they do not want.Therefore, we adults take the adult responsibilities that are ungdommarnas right for it to go better for them in life.Now, some might ask themselves "Youth March vadå right" .... to them I say, just think, if you as an adult does not take the responsibility that you as a parent or an adult .. well, then it's hard to help our young people!They young .. they have a whole other world out there, a world that most adults do not have a clue.I can say that in this case it's a plus that I have lived a tough life, and much of what life has been on the street, unfortunately we can not help everyone ... but if you try, and 1 in 10 are helped and you have atleast got a small victory!Then there are those who are helped in silence as no one knows anything about because they do not syns.och it's also a step in the right riktining!I am aware that there are those who do not want to be helped, unfortunately it is a fact that it is every parent's nightmare "but these must be allowed to make their mistakes, they can not mother / father do."
Regards Kenneth AlfssonPS. Take care of each other and care for each other

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